Have you ever given much thought to getting your Computer Science Student CV written? If you are a recent graduate, or someone who has been in the game for a long time, you would be surprised at just how many applications there are for computer systems specialists. As well as government and large businesses, there are also a huge number of start-up businesses, IT contractors and IT recruitment agencies who are looking for qualified computer systems professionals on a contract basis. It is therefore important to understand exactly what it is that you will need to include in your CV in order to stand out from the crowd and get the attention you so desire.
A good CV starts with an introduction. This should provide you with the essential information that recruiters look for when they are browsing through their applications. You must be able to set yourself apart from the other entries on the same CV, and the best way to do this is to talk about a specific role you have held in the past. You should be able to explain how your experience differs from those of any other applicants, and how your talents fit into the newly created opening. Give your contact details as well so that you can be sent links to any further resources that may be of interest to you.
You will also need to give some background information on your computer education and training. At the very least, you should be able to provide references to the courses you have undertaken, and perhaps a small statement of accomplishment for each course you have taken. It is often helpful if you click resources include a short paragraph on the subject of your computer studies, and perhaps even some details of the specific course you have completed. You can even include a brief sentence or two regarding any additional qualifications you may have acquired during your studies.
Now that you have some background information, you should be able to tailor your CV towards the job you are applying for. Make sure that you highlight all of the skills you have gained throughout your education and that they are relevant to the position you are applying for. Don’t just list computer science courses you have taken, but also any other relevant higher education qualifications that you might have. For example, say you completed a course in civil engineering. Include the information regarding that course when applying for an engineering job.
You should try to make your CV look as appealing as possible. The better the presentation of information, the more likely it is that you will get the job. This means including photographs and lists of personal traits that you have. For example, if you are particularly good at working with machinery, include some pictures of you using various tools in your spare time.
When writing your CV, use as many descriptive words as you can. For example, if you are aiming for a position as a Computer Systems Engineer, you would want to use plenty of words to describe the role. For example, “a computer systems engineer is responsible for designing and creating computer networks that interconnect computers and other devices to allow data to be transferred quickly and efficiently.” This way, it makes it easier for the employer to see that you are qualified for the role.
If you are applying for a position at a college, you will probably need to supply letters of reference. It is a good idea to attach these to your CV, or even put them on the wall of your cubicle. Make sure these statements are specific and up to date. For example, “I am certain I have done a very good job as a Computer Systems Engineer for Xerox”. Make sure the letters are from current employers or supervisors and that they are all in chronological order, from the earliest to the latest.
If your school has a computer department, you could send information back to them about your work. They may be able to add some details to this, or give you advice on how to improve your resume. Include your college transcript if this is required by the college you are applying to, as well as contact information for references. Don’t forget to attach your thesis, if you have one. This is valuable information that could make or break an opportunity.