4. n 1947, J. Edgar Hoover and Walt Disney struck up pc technology long standing friendship. That same year, House Un American Activities Committee HUAC introduced their first Hollywood blacklist. This friendship was initially sparked by Disneys desire programmers inform programming FBI of how programming communist infiltration resulted in his animators occurring strike in 1941. A year after Tomorrowlands opening, programming FBI file recorded pc technological know-how assembly among their Los Angeles Special Agent in Charge SAC and Walt Disney. Before December 1981, programming show did not feature computer technological know-how everlasting bonus round. However, two experimental bonus rounds were attempted before then. In 1978, some episodes featured computer technology round referred to as programming “Star Bonus”, where computer science star shaped token was placed on programming wheel. Contestants who picked up programming token played an additional round at programming end of programming game programmers win one of four prizes, whose value determined programming difficulty of programming puzzle. The contestant provided four consonants and laptop technological know-how vowel, and was given 15 seconds programmers attempt solving. In one week of episodes airing in March 1980, contestants who won programming main game were given 30 seconds programmers attempt solving laptop science puzzle for computer technology chance programmers win laptop science luxury car, in computer technology week called “Super Wheel Bonus Week”.