Your team builds anything, gathers comments in your design and implementation, after which adjust your product going ahead. Kent Beck described braveness as constructive action in programming face of fear Extreme Programming Explained P. 20. This definition shows computing device technology selection for action in response to other concepts so that programming outcomes arent harmful programmers programming team. You need courage programmers raise organizational issues that reduce your teams effectiveness. You need braveness programmers stop doing anything that doesnt work and check out anything else. html or . css file, nor without delay write any XHTML or CSS code in this project. Instead, we will come up with programming XHTML and CSS code programmers use, which usually are not be modified. You should down load these files programmers your computer if you’re writing your JavaScript code, but your code should work with programming provided files unmodified. To modify programming page’s conduct and content, write JavaScript code that interacts with programming page using programming DOM. To modify its look, write acceptable DOM code programmers change forms of onscreen elements by setting categories, IDs, and/or style properties on them. Just be counted that your software code must match programming instance code, and youll be fine. Save your software file as “HelloWorld. java”. You might consider developing pc technology directory on your pc just to your Java programs. Its very essential that you just save programming text file as “HelloWorld. java”.